Let's see what happens
During my daily cruise around Woodcliff Lake I bumped into Paul Arsonsohn, the Democratic Canidate for Congress running against current Congressman Scott Garrett up for reelection. We shook hands and I did my typical push against medical malpractice damage caps. Then he asked me to drop him a note and maybe we'll see each other again so here's the note stayed tuned for the reply: Mr. Aronsohn, We spoke briefly during your walking tour of Woodcliff Lake this afternoon and I wanted to follow-up on our conversation. My first impressions aren't my strong point and I do tend to ramble. So I appreciated you taking a few moments from your campaigning to chat with me regarding medical malpractice and disability issues. Before I get into the heart of my e-mail let me briefly tell you a little about myself. I have lived in this town with my parents and two younger brothers all of my life. As you might have figured, I was born with Cerebral Palsy, caused by a severe lack of judge on