
Showing posts from September, 2015

When not understanding is a defense

When people called Bruce Jenner a 'hero when he came out, declared himself a woman and c hanged his name to Kate, i cringed. I cringed at the fact he was called a "hero", because while she may have gave other transgendered people a voice they need, she didn't 'struggle".  She was met with overwelming support and when even  a hint of negative feedback was sensed, Kate's supporters pounced.  Words like "intolerance'" and throw-backs to the Civl Rights movement were immediately invoked. the difference is with the way news travels, the 'haters" were squelched before it hint the evening news. people say Caitlyn inspired other transgendered people to stand up for trheir rights, which should be applauded, but when is enough is enough? 1 When does the pendulum swing too far in the other direction? Enter Lila Perry of Missiouri Ms Perry was born male and at the age of 13 came out as being gay. A few years later she announced s