
Showing posts from June, 2017

Daily Voice is bad news

How do I respond to being banned from a Facebook group?  Mock the website that got me kicked out of the group in t he first place. I was going to say boycott at first but then I disobeyed my own boycott. Also I need to look at it in order to mock it. Anyway I read it to get a good chuck every now and then. With the terms "fake news" being thrown all over the internet I decided, BAD NEWS was m ore appropriate for the Daily Voice. Bad news because the stories are basically short misinformed rants with poorly researched material and erros glalore. They get the when and the where correct but that's usually where the facts end Daily Voice is  heavily self-promoting, which is the tell-tale sign of desperation in the business. It would be one thing if they had their own Facebook page and just distrubuted their news on there. However the two main "writers" constantly post their own works on multiple Facebook pages.  On more then a few occasions they have been challeng

Fly the Flag

I FLY THE F LAG  I fly the flag on the back of my scooter because I stand with the men and women in ALL kinds of uniforms. I fly the flag   because I know even though I am no t always proud of my country, I am still proud t o be in this country I fly the flag in times of sorrow because it is a reassurance that everything will be alright I fly the flag during parades out of respect out of everyone who marches I fly the flag every time someone in the service gives his or her life so I can live mine I fly the flag out of respect for the military  police, fire, medical and other emergency workers who protect me and  people I love I fly the flag to remind myself no matter what comes my way I am blessed to have so many wonderful people who care about me I fly the flag because I pray every day those leading our nation find a way to make the country great for everyone. I fly the flag as a symbol of hope and a promise to never lose hope even in the darkest of times I f

Thanks Gregg Allman

There are too many good Allman  Brother's songs I could write about, my two favorites are  Jessica  written by Dickey Betts and Midnight Rider  by none other then Gregg Allman. The song to me is about a loner weary motorcycle rider and his journey t o a better life. However the longer he rides, eventually he realizes he can't outrun he's problems, hence the phrase "The road goes on forever". It's n ot really a cheery lyric but the hook is a slap of reality everybody needs frome time to time. However the other part of it goes "I'm no t going to let them catch the midnight rider" which to me means  he       won't let all his problems in life ruin his life. They  almost did a few times, but in the end I hope All;man made peace wit h himself. The  "Them" are multiple demons, the murder of his father and losing h is brother, Duane, in a horrific motorcycle accident, drugs, illness you name it, Gregg Allman surviived it Truthfully I don&#