
Showing posts from June, 2021

Different Field Day Fingerings

  The Cape May County Amateur Radio Club operated from the grounds of the Cape May County Airport Complex which the EOC/ County Dispatch Center as well as the airport .Kind of cool plane spotting while playing with radios, two of my favorite hobbies ! I quickly found out there wasn't a PSK-31 station setup, only FT-8 and they had that covered so I wandered around aimlessly looking for some way to help. I noticed people were logging After wandering around I finally found the club's Vice President, Joel N3HRK, struggling to enter contacts. He was writing contacts on a notepad only to type them into the logging program in between contacts. After a few minutes of observing this process my archiving skills kicked in, I slid the laptop over and just started typing. Joel still was writing callsigns and exchange information down, but I was logging contacts. Every now and then he'd look over at my work and just smile. I wish I could say we logged over 100's QSO's in an ho