Alright this isn't some chain letter where you have to- send this to like 50 people or your hair will fall out. No this is definitely NOT a Christmas note, I am not THAT "politically iincorrect"! Finally this isn't going to- be one of my three page writing masterpieces because frankly I have getting up since six and at a keyboard, other than mine own, for three days straight, didn't go in today due to weather!! Those 11am wake-up calls are over, well at least for awhile. A miracle has happened, I, Justin Mattes, am gainfully, if only temporarily, employed! As of Wednesday I got a job working at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City (yes you read right NEW YORK CITY). How did this happen you might ask? Well a long-time friend, Ben Romney, who is a radiologist at Columbia called me up a few months ago and said a widow of a doctor from India of all places donated slides of her husband's lung x-rays for the University to use for med students to study.