The week of Thanksgiving '05--Part II

Being it's the Monday after Thanksgiving I should label this as such, but I am not renaming "Part I". Alright the traditional Wenesday night barfest continues, with a twist this year. People that think New Year's Eve is a big drinking holiday don't go out the night before Thanksgiving. Knowing you have four full days to mend your wounds from a very late evening helps too. In a way it's even better than Christmas Eve, only different is you arenn't looking forward to the next morning.It came into question a mulititude of times if I could survive the walking. Although thee timing and the amount of drinking, was perfet! The bars up in Pearl River NY held something called a bar crawl consisting of a number of bars all within walking distance, yes even by my standards. It's something my brother wanted to do last year, but wound up staying in one bar. Alright the night began with an opening round at Felix's House. Ok all Thanksgivings open with drinks at Felix's, but that's another trademark of the night. Then onto the bar crawl, which was the main event of the evening. We started out slow, but as the night went on, we hit five bars. The guys weren't going to drag me along at the end of the evening, but then again for some reason I did OK not my own that night.
I did meet some of my friends, both from high school and from the fire department. A perfect balance be tween two things very important to me. I seldomly like to combine the different aspects of my lif. However on the night before Thanksgiving they seem to mesh perfectly. For one night only friends that I haven't seen in a very long time, suddenly come out of the woodwork.
Although the conversation basically never changes, you can feel a difference. It's another year gone zooming past. Filled with the joys and sorrows we all deal with in life. It used to be about how about it's going in college, now it's how's the job. Small talk is slung around as glasses of alcohol keep flowing from the bottles and taps.
It's the type of tradition not found in books on Americana or television ads enticing you to get out for big holiday discounts the Friday morning after you stuff yourself the night before. This night is reserved for rekindling old friendships, while taking stock.
I am glad I shared it with friends


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