
Showing posts from October, 2012

We aren't all offended equally

I never understood or will understand Ann Coulter's use of the word "retard" to reject the thesis of a obviously very smart man, namely the President of the United States. To be honest though I'm not surprised, she's provactive, she's is dying for attention and s he'll stoop down to any level to diss President Obama. Just like Rachel Maddow, Michael Moore, or any othe left-wing nut did to President Bush when he was in off ice. I was offended because once again while racial slurs and objectionable sexual labels are considered very taboo in this day of political correctness, the outrage isn't the same when people with disabilities get mocked. There isn't an universal condemning of the langauge like there is when the "N-word" is hurled at black people, or people of different faiths are called by the inappropriate terms. The "N-word" is beeped out of TV the word "retard" is openly used even in over the air broadcast

Hershey Report

Below is an e-mail I sent to the PLATES Listserv last Thursday while out in Hershey. It was the second time I took the Amtrak train out to Harrisburg and then the Dauphin County Paratransit from the train station to the Giant Center next to Hershey Park I have hijacked Rick's laptop to check my e-mail and log onto Facebook, figured I drop a note. First let me assure folks the train ride out and the ride on the paratransit bus went very smoothly!! I managed to get the same driver as last year and the lift didn't breAK. People have remarked about the weather I concur PERFECT~! I have been cruising the fields with a light breeze. Yesterday I met with Dr Rader, he again thanked the club for its efforts turn the dream of a wheelchair run into a reality, WE STILL NEED CONNECTICUT. I also lined up another article deal Plates have been plenty but there's a noticaable drop in overall attendance from previous year. The usual suspects have made appearances Roger, Marco, Gerry, et