A different Lake George Trip

Alright a little family history for this post!! We have been going up to m y grandparents' townhouse in upstate NY for 22 year. It's something we'll do until whenever my grandfather decides to sell it. I mean he's not going up there any more because of problems I won't get into. Although surfice to say he nd my grandmother are at the age where travelling is a big deal,.
Going up there has meant different things to me throughout my life. When we where younger my brother's and I looked forward to going to Great Escape, an amusement park! Over the years we have had some good times up there. One of the highlights was a few years ago when Chris and some of his friends took me up there. I mean it was the first time we went there withoout the folks. Oh man I could write pages on t hat, but I won't!
Alrigh t this is the kicker of this trip, my uncle Chuck and I bought a bottle of Jack Daniels. It's not like we haven't had a drink before but something abot drinking with him that. As a matter of fact the both of us talked and just hung out


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