Missing in Action

Alright I wrote two radio entries now it's time to go the my other hobby, license plates. Am I a Rennisance Man or what? One of the links o=n this site goes to the Automobile License Plate Collector's Association which I have been a proud member (even though inactive for a brief two year period) for eleven years. If you take into account I joined when I was 16 and didn't know anyone else in the aclub when I joined, it 's another one of the little facts abou t myself I proudly tell people. Last year ALPCA celebrated their fiftieth anniversary in Providence Rhode Island, man did I beg my folks to go! It also happened to be over their wedding anniversary so I took them and one of my brothers out with us since he was in nearby Connecticut. The details lwill remain sealed since in old J M fashion there was a little screw up Anyway I did it all, manned a post at the souvenior desk, donated a few plates to the auction, and picked up a few amazing plates to add to the collection. I also enjoyed meeting people I have corresponded with online throughout the year. The look on people's faces when I say "Hello I am Justin Mattes" is indeed priceless! So the question remains "If this was last year why are you writing about it now?" Easy answer I missed the Convention this year! Yup it was in Souix Falls SD! A little of of range in terms of both logistics and the fact hitting my folks up two years in a row just did not fly. I am writing about in not out of sorrow I could have been there thi-s year, but I geuss I am so axnious to visit other parts of the country. Although my other reasoning tend to have to do with getting the Club to have a Convention out in the East again! See If I show up it means that it has to be important. I don't intentionally to sound arrogant but come on convincing my folks to go with me isa a lot harder than say a spouse. Or if you have kids you can, "Make them go!!" Maybe maybe not! Next year it's in California which doesn't seem likely but you just never know what kind of scheme I'll think of to entice my folks. We'll see what happens


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