Fortune Cookie

I got chinese food last night and usually I ignore the advice but this particular message struck me: "One who admires you greatly is hidden before your eyes." Well maybe that person reads this blog? Or even better visits my websites? Hey it could happen. Now I don't really call myself "supersticious" (watch a black cat is going to come strolling in my bedroom as soon as I click the "publish post" button) but I do sometimes cast fate into the wind. People who don't believe in a little fate difinitely have a closed mind.That's not to say people who have too much fate and there is such a thing, aren't just as looney. Back to the fortune cookie, the problem is I don't think folks realize it might take awhile for the fortune to kick in! Although last night when after I opened the fortune cookie, I accidently spilt soda on it and it ripped in half, so doesn that mean the fortune is no longer valid? Note I didn't throw it anyway, I carefully (that is a realitive term around someone like me) carried the now two pieces of paper up to my room and laid them on my desk and that's wheree I found them when I woke up this morning. Now do I put them in my bank or throw them away? I will let you ponder that for awhile.
Take it easy

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