Memorial Day in AC

Alright can you think of a better place to be on Memorial Day weekend? One of my brother's, Pete, graduated college a few weeks ago, so my other borther Chris and I took him to this comedy show in Atlantic City. We had a BLAST. You know going down for one night is just enough for Jersey folks. You have to love the "tourists" who say thuey are spending like a weeke down there. That's just nuts!!!!! For the record I wound up dropping $50 to the roulette table which seemed bad that but I have quickly recovered!
For those scanner nerds in the group, I AM ONE OF THEM. I had my 246T with me and DID get some close call hits which I will eventually post but not today. I did get a lot in I just haven't reviewed it yet!! I plan to build a page on Bergenscanner dedicated to close call hits but have been too lazy to do it!!


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