An e-mail worth saving

Alright this isn't some chain letter where you have to- send this to
like 50 people or your hair will fall out. No this is definitely NOT a
Christmas note, I am not THAT "politically iincorrect"! Finally this
isn't going to- be one of my three page writing masterpieces because
frankly I have getting up since six and at a keyboard, other than mine
own, for three days straight, didn't go in today due to weather!! Those
11am wake-up calls are over, well at least for awhile. A miracle has
happened, I, Justin Mattes, am gainfully, if only temporarily, employed!
As of Wednesday I got a job working at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in
New York City (yes you read right NEW YORK CITY). How did this happen
you might ask? Well a long-time friend, Ben Romney, who is a
radiologist at Columbia called me up a few months ago and said a widow
of a doctor from India of all places donated slides of her husband's
lung x-rays for the University to use for med students to study. The
problem was all of the digital x-rays had the man's name on them, 5,000
in all. According to current HIPA rules (I knew insurance companies were
good for SOMETHING) the names must to be erased off of each
x-ray!That's where yours truly comes in! My job is to dump each photo
into Photoshop and digitally black out the names then save them. So once
again I am helping to prevent medical liability, as hard as I tried I
can't seem to get away from the issue! Maybe I have found my calling?
Alright enough bragging but I wrote this for two reasons, 1 to show I am
gainfully employed and 2) to wish everyone a very safe and happy holiday.

Hope everyone is well and say hi to your families,


P.S. To giving you an idea of how my family is reacting, I got my
brothers to take me out to a bar last night without ANY coaching from
me! ;-)


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