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Cheers to 30 Years in ALPCA

 This came in the mail in early Feburary of last year, it's my new membership card signifying I paid my 2024 dues to the Automobile License Plate  Association. It's especially special because it means I have been withALPCA for 30-years, I joined in 1994 when I was 16. Well I didn't "join" I received it as a Christmas gifit from my parents, but my license plate collecting story starts a full year earlier. I decided to end my 30th year in ALPCA by writing a little about how I started and then highlighting some of  entries I have written  When I was around 14 I started to pay attention to the different licenses platess on cars. First it was antique cars that in NJ had the letters"QQ" either at the beginning or the end of the license plate. Then I looked at police cars and firetrucks had "MG" and some had "CG". I later found out later in New Jersey "MG" stood for "Municipal Government", "CG" stood for "C...

2025 New Year's Note

 WELL here we are folks one quarter of the way into this century!! I have been thinking about writing this email since the beginning of December but of course I am a month late. I am happy to report the Mattes Family is healthy!  Chirs, Natalie, Zander and Quinn are busy as ever! Zander is now a sophomore and studying for his written test to get his driving permit! I half to double check that fact because it's so hard to believe. Quinn is doing well in eighth grade and is on a travelling soccer team which plays in tournaments all over the country. She has one coming up in Florida in  February that dad and I are thinking about going down for a few days to watch her. They BOTH are getting as tall as their uncle Jay which is very hard for him to accept! The family adopted three kittens which as a dog person even I admit they are cute!! We spent Christmas with them and got  to see the new Bob Dylan movie, partly filmed right here in Cape May. Unfortunately, I didn't get ...

To end the theories

          The drones flying over Northern NJ reminds everyone about the Chinese spy balloons that flew over the country during the Trump and Biden administrations. Americans already had enough of the Chinese government after the entire Corona virus debacle. We're still waiting for the WHO to stop covering for China and admit the virus started in a C hinese lab. Then the spy ballons started. It was later revealed the Chinese were flying spy ballons sooner than the government admitted. Of course the Democrats were quick to point out that the spy ballons started under President Trump. Given the relationship between the federal government and the former president I wouldn't be surprised if President Trump wasn't given the complete picture on purpose. The conspiracy theories spread and soon after came the finger pointing. Everybody under the sun promised investigations into the ballons, but like most government investigations it disappeared from the news cycle...

Last RACES Net of the year

This is a teaser entry for a few feature enteries upcoming for my 25th year as a amateur radio operator. Starting the first week in January I will look back on a quarter century on the air!!!!!   Made it into the final County RACES net of the year(They never do a net i n December)..........I love my position. Notice I didn't say ":authority", I said "position". Meaning I know where I stand in the City of Cape May. I was a radio officer in my old town of Woodcliff Lake, I was at the time the only active ham in town. When I moved to Cape May I joined the local ham radio club and when I mentioned I was a member of RACES in Woodcliff Lake. The head of the County RACES said "Thank you now we don't need to send a member down to Cape May every month". I sheepishly said, "I'm it?" In which he replied "You're it and if anyone give you trouble tell them to come to me." I have been the City of Cape May's RACES Officer every...

Biden welcomes Trump

The day after  the 2008 election I wrote an entry entitled " The White House Meeting " where I imagined the contrast between the meeting between outgoing President Bush and incoming President  Obama and the meeting between the outgoing Vice President  Dick Cheney and the incoming President Joe Biden. Frankly it was a tounge and cheek  piece where while Bush and Obama seemed to be at peace, Cheneyy and Biden seemed to be on the verge of coming to blows. Then after Obama'a two terms as  president, he reluctantly welcomed Donald Trump. Then we all what happened over the course of those four years, fake investigations, the trials and all kinds of othe  r

Day after reflections

I first want to congratulate President-elect Trump for recapturing the Oval Office. From announcing his campaign again to almost getting assassinated on July 13th to his victory last n ight, it's sure been a wild ride! It has been said he hasn't stopped running since losing to Joe Biden in 2020. I would also likle  to congratulate VP Harris for running a good campaign however it fell short. A few observations \ the day after the election.  I find the most interesting, the race in a little county in Texas called Starr County, a county that has a heavy Hispanic population, and hasn't voted for a Republican since 1896, that's 132 years!! It's remarkable because all the Democrats ever talk about is Trump's racism . However Starr County is right on the Mexican border and has definitely seen its share of crime coming across the southern border. T he Democrats again said Trump's border policies were racist and by endorsing Trump you're endorsing racism. That th...

Billy Joel Enteries

I'm slowly putting more of my book on  m y blog. Some of this stuff  is over twenty years old  but I need to preserve stuff on myt blog since my old website went down. Th ese are original  without any editing, which might not win me a Pulitzer, but it  is a good way to back up my book while expanding the blog! March 27, 1997 River of Dreams (B. Joel) This reminds me of the days at the Woodcliff School, the worst school on earth. My “river” was widest during seventh grade because I was in a class  with guys who didn't treat me as an equal. They pretended to walk and talk the way I did and said I was some kind of an experiment that went wrong. Then outside the room there was this one kid who waqs worse than anyone in tha room!! One day we were in the library amd he wrote a note saying “Jay will never have sex”> He knew I liked a gi rl very much and he used my disability to scare her away. One time Andrew told her if she and I were to ever make lo...