The Hershey Miracle
I know the title sounds like it should be written in December and not October, but give me achance to explain. A few years ago I composed the Hershey Review 2005 about going to the worlds largest car show with my folks and Uncle Chuck. Well I hadn't been there since, admittedlyI have had other destinations that I have written about previously. The trip was planned by Bill Dickerson, a long time ALPCA friend and mentor. As with a lot of northeast collectors didn't make it down to the ALPCA Convention down in Arlington, so they opted for the next best thing Hershey. Anyone who has been there knows the show has two parts, the actual car showand a huge flea market. The last time my folks, Uncle Chuck and I focused our one good weather day (it ALWAYS rains one of the days in Hershey during the car show) on the car show, this trip was for theflea market because that's primarly where the ALPCA members hang out. Like we did for a license...