Good for another ten years-Evolution of KC2GIK
Today marked another milestone in my radio career. Every ten years hams have to folk over ten dollars to the FCC to renew their license. Something very significant but overall ve ry uneventful except posting a status update on Facebook band little else. Today was the first day I could renew my ham radio license for the second time. When 2010 rolled along I could hardly believe it was time to renew my license! I had been through so much radiowise in just a quick ten years I first got licensed in 2000, Y2K, I did it kind of as a dare. One of my police scanner buddies, David, K2DBK, studied and passed his Technician test. He and I e-mail]ed each other back and forth exchanging scanner frequencies. He encouraged me to listen to the hams. ne of he co-workers was a member of the Ramsey NJ Office of Emergency Management and convinced David to go to a meeting. I also began exchanging emails with the Ramsey OEM coor dinator Mike Adams, WA2 MWT . He...