15th Annual Garden State Meet

Trying to start to  writing regularly on the blog  again. I have been working on other stuff like adding links and uploading more poetry, but no real enteries so I decide to put up this license pla ete meet report. Really interesting story  on how  I go t to the meet itself. Dad was planning on helping Pete work on his house. He said he wasn't going to drive back to New Jersey  all weekend. Luckily my friend John Willard lived near Pete's house and I got him to pick me up. Below is  the meet report I submitted to the ALPCA Magazine

On a crisp October day 50 ALPCA members and 16 guests assembled at the Pennington Fire Company in Pennington, NJ for the 15th Annual Garden State Region Meet. People arrived before the 8 AM and were greeted with coffee bagels and doughnuts.
Trading was very active as members showed off their latest finds from the car show and flea market out in Hershey, PA just a few days prior. This was the first year we gave awards out for Best Display, Favorite Plate and Longest Distance traveled. Phil Leib(#3576) for his 1913 plates which including a pair and replacement plates .Paul Kolvaski(#2597) won best single plate for his 1903 New Jersey prestate # 13. Steve “16 Lizards” Benson traveled 2,086 miles from Arizona taking home the Long Distance Award once again .
Thank again goes to Ed Butler who did the major setup and handled the registration desk. Also thanks to Xavier Hadjaj and Mike Bender for helping setup and break down!! We're looking forward to seeing everyone in Pennington next October!

Submitted by Justin Mattes #6748


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