Christopher Cross


Whenever I hear this song I have to think about Florida. This song was playing more times down there
then anywhere else, which made the trip even more enjoyable. I won't remeber it not only because of the people

1 Everytime my family goes down there my body relaxes on it's own and I gain even more control then usual. One night the family went to the beach t o watch the sunset, this song was playing. The air, the water, the atmosphere is so much calmer down there to begin with, add the warmer climate, it's a prefect mixture to soothe my otherwise very tight mulches. One of my most memorable nights down there was with my brother and our uncles.

After the rest of the family went home from the beach, the four of us went out for drinks. However instead of it being two nephews tagging along with thier uncles, it was four young men going to a bar. We had a few beers (or more than a few, I can't remember) and listened to the band play some real Southern jazz. My favorite part was having that shot right before we left. I had to take it with a straw, which is about the worst way to take a shot. There was no other way to do it and I have never left any drink unfinished! The three of them thought I was going to stumble out the door and land right it my face. However there was something magical about that night. I didn't fall or even miss a step.. We enjoyed each other's company. It was definitely the highlight of the trip. Best of all, for that night only we didn't have a care in the world.

Swept Away--(C.Cross)

It's a bit funny they wrote this for the TV show Growing Pains because I was reminded of a pain deep down. Now I can never complain about my life because I've been pretty lucky and blessed. However there is an emnotness that has only grown wider over the years. I have made more then more then my share of mistakes with romance, like everyone else. Even though it probally is just a thought, I often wonder if I'll ever get a chance to share a side of myself no one has seen before. All of my past attempts at starting romantic relationships have only led to a broken heart, namely mine. . I wish I really knew what it felt like to have a woman love me back, just for once. The hopeless romantic I mentioned a few pages back has popped up again, although this time there's no charactor I can hide behind. This subject has been sprinkled throughout my writing although you have to believe not all of it was based on my relationships only. I pulled some of my friends' experiences in there too. It was a way I could be fair on not seem so down on the subject.


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