Writing from the road--almost

When I first got into Dover and saw that I would have access to the Internet from Jane's house writing seemed like one of the main things I wouldf do while I was down there. Well my goials wher edrastically cut short. Even thought at the time it didn't seem like we were doing a lot, Jane and I managed short trips out every day. For those keeping track, we didn't go into Nashville except to go to and from the airport. Jane said Dover was more important and I had a great time! Oh yes I say this to everyone, "I went to Paris!", Paris Tennesse. Al-right I confess I didn't know about it either until I got there but they did indeed have a replica of the Effiel Tower and no you can't climb it.
We ate out alot and I even tried fried catfish, which for the record didn' t kill me, yet!
I'll never forget where exactly Jane lives, on the banks of a river. Of course the steamboats floating up and down the river helped also but you get the idea. She lives in a new development which is right between a Civil War battleground and a graveyard, very nice thoughts while drifting away to sleep in a pull-out couch.
The plane ride back to New Jersey was especially interesting especially since I bought Jeff a miniature metal cannon. I actually forgot to put in into my luggage and left it in my carry-on. Well sure enough the security clowns......I mean gaurds hand-checked it and allowed me to go through with it.


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