The Traveller

I know this summer I have neglected my writing a little, but I wil l maqke it up in one shot with a review of my travels this summer. Between two trips upto Lake George, a stint down in Atlantic City, going tp a graduation party in Connecticut, I think I can fit the definition of a "rolling stone". Well I should start by saying the job at Columbiaconcluded in Mid July leaving me with more than a little spending money. So with my second to last paychech in hand I quickly cashed it and went down to Atlantic City with Pete and Jason. They made out, I broke about even. I couldn't have had a better time
The first trip upto Lake George was a bit shaky because it was Chris and Natile(have to put them together becau-se they aree getting married in November) Pete, Jen, some friends and myself. It got really interesting when one of Chris's friends, despite my warnings, setup a tent right in front of the townhouse. I) objected but it took s omeone else from th e homeowners association to get this screwball to knock it off. There were a few other incident s like that but I will not get into any of the detail for fear of drastic retaliation from my siblings// Ok maybe I am excersing a little poetic license there.m
A few weekends later I found myself upstate again a bit torwards the end of August to vist Gail, a former teach from PV, who I have kept in touch with ever since. Yet another friendship that has grown outside of high school. She lives with her husband Micheal up in Deposit, NY which is quite a hike from good old Bergen County NJ! We did a lot in five days inc luding a visit to the Baseball Hall of Fame. I have to admit I'm mildly interested in baseball, but it was neat seeing the old bats and gloves along with the "Who's on First" exihibit!! The next day we went to an old-fashion county fair. I haven't been to one of those in a very long time.
Yes I have definitely made my rounds this summer and that's why entries havee been scarce around here. However that is going to change with the colder weather I'm sure!


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