It was a success!!

Time passes quickly!! A few weeks ago I announced there was some debate over whether or not I should read the toast for my brother and his wife . Well it went right down to the wire, literally, my uncle was on standby just in case. However after escorting the Maid of Honor down the aisle, I figured the best man speech was in the bag.
Let's recap the entire two day event up to the walk down the aisle and the toast. I read on multiple websites it's not right for the best man to upstage the bride and groom so I feel like I need to mention Chris.
We drove down for the rehearsal dinner the night before which had an interesting twist. Every time we go somewhere it seems something always makes us late. My family decided it was me printing out copies of the toast AND NOT the accident that backed us up four an hou r. We made it to the church to find Chris pacing out front. I quickly exited the car and made my way to the back room, to sign the marriage certificate. Chris was very relax, as always. The rehearsal went smoothly, I found out keep Chris from running away and reading a speech wasn't the only duties of a best man. Afterwards we enjoyed a nice dinner. Then the "grown-ups" went home and the rest of us went out for drinks.
One thing about having the wedding at night,during the day you get spurts of activity followed by long bouts of standing around doing nothing. Unfortunately I woke up earlier than I had wanted.;
The bridal party got ready at Natalie's parents' house while Chris and the groomsmen invaded their condo. Seven guys getting ready in that small of a space was "interesting" to say the least. Couple that with the fact we were drinking, well it was a sight to see.
After arriving to the church a little later then we planned, everything from there fell right into place. I got the honor of escorting Natalie's mother down the aisle. Walking with her was definitely a highlight for me. I will definitely treasure that memory for a long time. The ceremony was great, despite the traffic everyone made it to the church in time. I got a chance to be alone with Chris, except the photographer kept snapping pictures. Since he was at Natalie 's house the entire afternoon, he s pent most of the time at the church before the ceremony with the guys.
Guess when you have a few drinks in you time does fly. I escorted Sharon, Natalie's Maid of Honor into reception hall we kept coaching each other preparing for the toasts we had to give. Before I knew it the DJ tapped me on the shoulder and I was on. After taking a deep breath and a sip of my drink, I began. The more I read, the calmer and sweater I became. However I pulled it off and knew all the preparation was worth it !! The surprise came when I got a standing ovation! Ever the waiters were applauding
After that the REAL party began for me! I was talking a lot with Aunt Millie, whom I haven't seen since the summertime. All of us danced although the DJ fumbled some of the songs a bit.
By the time we turned around the evening was over4 and we made our way back to the hotel. The family being the party animals we were assembled in the hotel bar for a nightcap before we went up to bed.
Chris and Natalie's wedding was even m.ore fun than I expected. I now finally have a SISTER to come to my defense when my brothers are teasing me!!!!


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