California Trip 2008

Well since Natalie wanted a report I figured I would kill two birds with one one stone and write something here and just drop her the l ink to this entry. We had ten days of relaxation, a little less sun then we hoped but it was great to finally see my Uncle Matt, Au nt Shannon and little Tess out there instead of them flying to New Jersey. Even though I went out with Chris a few years ago, this trip we did it all. A trip to Universal Studios, a drive upto wine country and swimming in the Pacific Ocean.
Mom, Dad and I flew out on a Wenesday so that gave us two days before Pete and Chuck joined us. Also Shannon was on a business trip in Germany so my folks and I spent some time with the newest edition of the family, my soon-to-be 2-year old cousin Tess. We took her to the park where I got to sznap some shot of her playing on the swings, and the slide she must have went down that slide more than a dozen times. I felt more like an uncle help her up those stairs and making her laugh
I think the highlight for me, besides visiting with the three of them was visiting Point Vincent Lighthouse. As you might have figured out Pt Vincent is the first ligthhouse I visited on the West Coast. It's also the first lighthouse I have shot on my own, very exciting indeed. Although it was a shame that we couldn't climb it which is a shame.
I actually got together with another license plate collector and long time friend Jeff Minard. He picked me up Friday for lunch, it just so happens his sister lives in the same town as Matt and Shannon so he knew the area well. We ate and discussed the upcoming license plate covention in Salt Lake City, yes I am going! He also gave me a license plate book he sells. The one bummer is I didn't get a picture with him. Oh well maybe next time
The second half of the trip was spent about two hours north in Santa Barbra, the southern tip of California wine country. We visited a handful of wineries and visited the famed Hitching Post II restraunt
To mark the occasion I have included yet another slide show above this entry. Enjoy th e pics and if you have a second drop me some comments.


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