Seeing Salt Lake

The first day of the convention I do more gabbing than buying, this year was the same.Activity on the floor was brisk,, I didn't make the parking lot meet or whatever you guys call it but I did make the line up Wednesday morning. A thought about those who gripe, or think to gripe, about high entry #'s. I don't really see the difference. Maybe it was just that I didn' t look hard enough but for the first hour I saw more people talking than trading. I don't think I bought my first plate until towards the end of the first day! I didn't hand out as many fliers as I had hoped but people just said I have the information already. I gave the stack to Jeff "Faz" to put on his table, hopefully he handed out a few. My heart did stink a little when upon entering the hall I saw before me a wheelchair run before me. It was a beautiful display, I just wish it was mine. I didn't catch who did it, but if you're on the list congrats
The Welcome Reception was again very well-attended, i t was great seeing some old friends and hearing them say "You made it!". That slide show Dick Yourga put together was amazing. Even collectors who don't collect older plates should watch this slide show because it documents the humble beginnings of the club to the great (and they are ALL great) conventions of today! If you see Mr Yourga (still can't call him by his first name) please ask him for a copy of it, certain worth a look. After the reception the usual gaggle of collectors assembled in the hotel bar to trade stories. Like in previous years I mainly listened probably because I am fascinated about what other conventions were like. However as you can read have my own stories to tell.

Finally I couldn't end this without mentioning my folks. Yes I know all our parents have helped us most of our lives, but my mom and dad really have made the best out of what they had. People that think I have determination should realize my folks have been with me every step of the way. Of course I don't alway show my appreciation the way I should, but I guess that's human nature.


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