2008 Grip Dip Results

An interestting e-mail arrived in my inbox this afternoon. Mixed in with the usual stuff about license plates and lighthouse come the Grid Dip results. This was the first PSK contest I actively participated in meaning I sent in my logs. It wasn't really to score points, but just like everything else on ham radio I decided to just go for it. Imagine my surprise when I found out 28 QSO'S was good enough to takeFOURTH PLACE in my category!! I wasn't even trying to compete but I just wanted to see what happened!! There were three operators ahead of me, N3FX,N5PFW and W4EEH, respectively. All of them are serious contesters, so it was a real honor to be on the board with them!!

I also would also like to add that I have been expanding my police scanner site to be more inclusive of ham radio. The direct link page is located here:KC2GIK's PSK-31 Webpage

Below are some links off of Bergenscanner.com to my logs for not only the Grid Dip but other c ontests as well.


KC2GIK's PSK-31 Webpage

KC2GIK Grid Dip Log

2008 TARA Grip Dip Results


Anonymous said…
Justin: Congrats on the fourth place finish. I plan, soon, to get back into digital contesting.

I have not forgotten about sending you a QSL card for our PSK31 QSO. I am getting caught up on QSLing today. Watch for it in a few days.

Tim said…

Just wait until December for the PSK Death Match. That is a long but very contest. Don't forget, the 070 40M Firecracker sprint this weekend.
BTW Congrats on 4th.

73's de AJ4JD

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