Rockin at High Falls Cafe

Alright I have been wanting to write something about Memorial Day weekend for a week, but been distracted. I went with my parents and friend of theirs, who are almost like aunts and uncles to me up to the High Falls Cafe High Falls, NY. The bar, named after the town, is owned by Buffy and Brian Gribbons who I have known most of my life. They are the same age as my Uncle Matt, nine years older than I am, so it' was near hanging out with them.
Unlike my regular haunt, The Cornerstone, High Falls Cafe has a different kind of atmosphere. It's a family restaurant that happens to host some pretty awesome local bands come in, even has a little stage in the bar when they aren't preforming outside. The High Falls was celebrating their fifth anniversary so they had a few live bands and an outdoor BBQ. It's kind of ironic because wen t spent a great deal of time outside the actual bar.
After everything settled down I did get to have a few beers with Brian and just catch up a little. That was really neat because even though we have seen each other on and off for over 20 years, we never really talked. He also gave me the grand tour of the place and introduced me to the staff as an "old family friend". Definitely a sign of how long we've known each other
The whole day was just a lot of fun. I definitely have been thinking maybe I'll have to go back up there on my own!!
Anyway above are some pictures I took that day of all the festivities. Check out some of the pictures I shot. Brian is the guy in the beard and Buffy has the long curly hair. I also managed to snap a few shots of the band!!

High Falls Cafe Website


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