The plate meet saga--2nd Annual ALPCA Garden

It all started back in September when the town rejected our application to use the Tice Center. I didn't realized that last year the council thought the plate meet fell under an OEM event, don't ask me why. So this year when I submitted the application I didn't think much of it. The woman in charge of the place e-mailed me saying the town rejected our application. After a day of thought Marco and I put out some feelers to see if someone could come up with a neww place. In the midst of this chaos another monkey wrench was thrown into the mix when I got the i9nvitation to Dennis and Erin's wedding. The wedding was the same day. So I sent Marco an e-mail stating the if we change the location we might as well change the date as well. Enter a fellow New Jersey ALPCAN Ed Natale who said he c ould get a place in Waldwick fast. Since we didn't have a lot of time Marco and I made new fliers up without seeing the place....BIG MISTAKE*. So here we were a month before the new date and we didn't have a viable location. We're finally all set. People interested in attending please e-mail me at

So for the record here is the FINAL DATE AND LOCATION:
2nd Annual ALPCA Garden State Region Meet
November 21,2009 8:00AM -2:00PM
Knights of Columbus Hall
46 Pascack Road
Washington Township, NJ 07676
Google Map to the meet


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