2nd Annual Garden State Meet a Success

I posted this to the ALPCA Listserv but since it touched on everything I would post it on here as well. Hey some might call it cheating but why retype something when "copy and paste" does the trick?

Well the second Garden State Region Meet was a blast, lots of friends, a few old stories and of course plenty of p;plates. Folks came as far away as New Mexico to partake on a perfect Saturday in November. In total ten states were represented as well as collectors from north of the border. Things ran a bit smoother this year because we got the tables setup the night before with the help of Jim Moini, Marco's soon-to-be- bride Kristy and my mom Mary which cut down on an otherwise hectic morning. I also like to thank Mrs, Lebowitz, Jon's mom, who gave Kristy a break on the registration desk and helped out setting up the food. I could see people's eyes light up when Chuck Sakryd starting wheeling in his latest finds. Michael Wiener rolled in and immediately setup his four tables filled with the latest and greatest NJ non-passenger plates, a few of which made their way into my collection. Sorry about the confusing directions! Another great auction was conducted by our chief auctioneer Chuck Sakryd with the assistance of Ron Ridolph. I even had a microphone ready to go this year.
> I would again like to thank Steve Timpanaro and the Knights of Columbus for their gracious hospitality and pulling the site together at the last minute. They all were extremely helpful and everyon complimented about how nicely pulled this together in such a short period of time! People understood that we had to find a new place fast and made it all work out
> We already have a bigger location booked for next year. Yes Ron they have an in-house PA system all ready to go!
> From were I sit the second annual Garden State was a huge success. I look forward to seeing everybody again at next year's meet which will be on Saturday November 13,2010.
> Justin Mattes ALPCA#6748



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