Mike Adams,WA2MWT,SK

Mike Adams,WA2MWT, Ramsey's OEM Coordinator, passed away earlier this week. Besides being a friend, mentor and all around great guy he was a member of the 10-70 Repeater Association. The 10-70 Board decided to publish a few tributes to Mike Adams in their newsletter, but I missed the deadline. So I decided to put it on this blog instead. May Mike rest in peace

My friendship with Mike Adams started the way most of my current friendships have started.......through e-mail. Mike had stumbled upon my website by doing what countless others h av e done, searched for frequencies for towns in Bergen County. Of course he already had the frequencies for his hometown but wanted to listen in to different towns in the area. He e-mailed The original exchanges back and forth gave us a chance to get to know each other better. >At the same time David Kozinn started a mailing list for Northern New Jersey police scanner enthusiasts, I was the second member, Mike joined the group shortly after. I didn't know it then but over the next fifteen years Mike and I would share some good times together
It wasn't long after Mike and I started e-mailing privately, in one of the e-mails I had mentioned my grandfather had built the Howard Johnsons in Ramsey. Mike immediately recalled a few stories where he visited the restaurant and even met my future mom a few times. We immediately began exchanging e-mails on a fairly frequent basis. Like he did with countless other people, Mike encouraged me to become involved in emergency communications. He was the first person who said I had the determination to get my license. After a few weeks of studying, I went down to a VE session and passed my Technician test.
Mike then invited my down to the Ramsey EOC to see their radio setup and meet the other members of the Ramsey OEM. He introduced me to the group and made me feel like one of the group from the first time I walked into the basement of Ramsey Borough Hall. Over the years since I have participated in a lot of events with Ramsey OEM. From Field Days to the famous January VHF Contests, Mike has always been there to lend a helping hand.
Throughout the years Mike and I had some very good conversations. I only recently found out before he became director of Ramsey OEM Mike was a guidance counselor. A job fit for him because he was so easy to talk to about anything on your mind. Even though he was easy-going, Mike as took every conversation he had to heart. He was the one everybody went to when they had a problem. No matter what was on your mind, Mike was always t here to help you figure it out.
I will miss Mike very much< I know I am a better person for have known Mike. His laughter, quick whit and desire to always help other people will never be forgotten. Justin Mattes,KC2GIK

Mike Adams Obiturary


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