Ringing in the New Year with the WCLFD

Alright so this is January 2nd and I did go out New Years Eve but for me it wasn't really 2014 until I went to the Woodcliff Lake FD swearing in ceremony. I had to go this year because my good friend from high school George Lucia was sworn in as Chief, yes folks he's younger than I am. I went to school with his older sister and think I met him when his father starting hanging out at the WCLFD even thoou gh he is a life long member of the Hillsdale, Fire Department. Actually George, Jr was a few years behinds me at Pascack Valley High School, his older sister Kristy was in the class of '97 with Derick and all those folks, so I know the family. Since I hang out at the firehoouse a lot anyway, they figured mthey invite me down. I watched as each of the officers took ttheir turn placing their hands on the Bible and reciting the oath of office. During the ceremony I couldn't help but notice the generationg in the room, especially the chiefs and the assistant chief, both have fathers who have served on various department. Both raised, sons within the department walls. Both men were boys dreaming of the day they would wear a white hlemt. Then I glimsped at their fathers, looking on proudly, seeing the same glimmer in their own eyes they had. I watched as his three young songs gathered around him as his wife held the Bible while he recited the oath of Chief. After the cerem ony was over we ate dinner and traded stories I felt at home. Towards the end of the evening, and a sn owy one at that, I got up and shook Cheif Lucia 's hand. Immediately asked him how he could become Chief. Of course he made a wisecrack and we both laugh. However he knew I was very prou d and knew what his new title meant. Evenn more grey hair!!! As the snow fell heavier outside we all made ou r way home. I said it once, I'll say it again, I was so happy to witness sucha remarkble chapter in the Woodcliff Lake Fire Department's history. It was one of the best ways I cou ld think of to ring in 2014!!


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