6TH Annual ALPCA Garden Region Meet Report

For the second year in a row the American Legion Post 147 in Elmwood Park graciously hosted the ALPCA Garden State Region for a day filled with friends laughter and trading tin. 48 members from six states and a few guests filled tables shortly before 8:00 and by the time the official start came around, the trading floor was busy.  Fred Shreeve traveled out from Missouri to join in the excitement.   Once again Steve "16 Lizards" Benson made the trek out from Arizona  to show just how much ALPCA members are dedicated to  the regional meet.  Among the other guests Rich Dragon from Rhode Island , Dave Kuehn,  Adam Garstka  and Joe Wasielewski from Connecticut.  Paul Rosenberg drove up from  Atlantic  City. John Willard ALPCA #909  was the most senior member in attendance and Rob Maitner  ALPCA#11935 was the newest member to join our ranks! Same except ional plates where spotted inside the hall including a NJ US Senate plate! Once again Ron Ridolph exercised his auctioning skills with the assistance of Jason DeCaesare, Jim Moini, Walter O, Roy Rich recorded the auction tally  .  I am also very delighted to announce the Garden State Region now has a new treasurer!!! Ed Butler has taken over the reigns from Marco Tramelli.  I  want to thank Marco for his help in getting the region started and keeping it going through some tough times.  I also want to thank Jason DeCaesare for all his assistance  in pulling this meet off. He does almost all the foot work and deserves a nice round of applause!    Once again  Ed Natale secured lunch for a group of hungry collectors at  Charlie Blood's Bar and Grill in nearby Garfield NJ!!!  We already have the place booked for next year so mark your calendars now for another fun day of trading and good times for November 7, 2015

Respectfully Submitted
Justin Mattes ALPCA#6748
ALPCA Garden  State Region President


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