Congress St Command on the Air

Congress Street Command

One of the most exciting things about moving to Cape May was getting a new desk and shelves. My room in Cape May is smaller than the one in Woodcliff Lake, so that has made me get rid of most of the junk, which makes mom very  happy. It all has made me setup my scanners better than sliding all over a shelf when I go to change a setting or two. The mount was purchased from Scanner Master and is designed perfectly to fit that corner of my desk. My old desk required me to take my eyes totally off the computer screen to see who was talking which usually meant my hands off the keyboard. Now a quick glimpse is simple and I have even perfected my touch typing even more. Those two white wires are going to an antenna splitter on top of the shevling  Everything is in a hands reach even the switch to the overhead lamp  just out of view of the picture!! The top scanner is my workhorse, the BCD99T which I loaded with 90% of the Cape May County frequencies. I also dumped some Cumberland, Atlantic and even some Delaware stuff in there. Plus I activated the marine search system, which is always hopping.It's a must!! 90% of the traffic is on Marine Channel 16 (156.8000) and Marine Channel 9 (156.4500) but every now and then the other channels pop, which makes for some good stuff especially during the summer.
The other big thing is the Coast Guard base down here. The biggest monitoring target is aviation, namely military aviation!! I have monitored "Giant Killer" out of the based in Atlantic City on 255.00 and 249.8000.  Trying to get more UHFstuff in but it will all come. On the VHF side I get both Atlantic City, Dove and Philadelphia approaches which is cool because up north I only got! It's still a work in progress but the potential is absolutely amazing!!


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