Final Debate Questions

Unlike my postings on Facebook, I have stayed away from the circus known as the 2016 US Presidential Election on my  blog. For the record I don't believe we're voting for the lesser of two evils, I believe we're voting for the lesser of two absolute psychopaths. I could spend the rest of the post outlining my thoughts on why neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton should be president. I could also lay into the sitting President of the United States for not taking a cue from the previous Commander-in-Chief and keep his mouth shut. We know who he's supporting in this race, there was never any question. It never ceases to amaze me how the first black president feels he always has to remind us he is the first black president and has to test every single boundary set forth by the men who proceeded him . Out of the many issues I had with Bill Clinton I need to give the man credit, he never went after George Bush when he and Al Gore were running. Sure he wanted his sitting VP to win, but he let the race play out even during the recount, Clinton stepped back and accepted the decision, even though it wasn't the outcome he desired.  Clinton beat Bush's father eight years earlier and Bush conceded gracefully. It's too bad, if Trump wins,  Obama won't follow the Bushes' and  Clinton's lead. Ironically if Trump wins, Hillary Clinton supporters will indeed say it was rigged

Tonight Chris Wallace moderates the third and final debate in Las Vegas, which tells me the debate commission does indeed have a sense of humor even in this serious of times. ,One of the overriding themes of this election is tone. Both Clinton and Trump have had major gaffs and have done little to recover. They both have loyal surrogates trying to smooth over the rough patches. Something to keep in mind while Trump does his rants on Twitter, Clinton seems to think all of Trump's supporter are racists. She also has a chance, as the first woman nominee of a major party to highlight other women in politics, both Democrat and Republican, who gave her this platform
OK down to business, for a better part of a year I have found the true meaning of "bipartisanship". One of my hopes for Donald Trump is he would have truly pivoted. Instead of complaining about a "rigged system" he could have over come it by suggesting ways to work aro und it. He started to do this when he stood up for Bernie Sanders during the primaries, too bad Bernie supporters or Bernie himself didn't acceptt it.  I feel sorry for Bernie in some way. Other ways I think he's completely nuts. I think I found a way to get the parties a little closer together. Chris Wallace should ask the following questions to both candidates:

1) Name one thing the opposite party represents that you support.

2) Name one thing in your own party that you don't support.

3)Let's say you had to appoint a person from the opposite party to your cabinet,what position would they hold?

4)Presidents have a special bond with their predecessors, would you seek advice from former presidents?

5)  How would personal troubles you've had in your own life affect the decisions you make as president?

6) Name something about the United States you would want the world to know that they don't already

7) What, if anything, did campaigning teach you about yourself? How can you use what you learned to help the country

8) What was the biggest risk you took during this campaign?

9) It's the day after you received your respective nomination. Besides family and your VP pick, who is the first  person you would seek advice from?

10) What is the best piece of  advice you have gotten on the campaign trail? How would you use this advice in running the country?

Again Chris Wallace has more important questions to ask than these, but I believe these  questions really give insight into both Donald Trump  and Hillary Clinton. I will post these on Facebook and Twitter


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