In hot water

You would think Cape May moving to Cape May would open  up; plenty of blog entries for me, it hasn't been that easy. Mostly because so much has happened since the end of June, from 4th of July fireworks to celebrate Congress Hall's 200 Th Anniversary, so many chances I have missed just to come on here to vent. It hasn't been that easy\ because I haven't set aside enough time to write, usually I'm wasting time on Facebook which leads to trouble. Especially now that the weather is getting colder so I  won't be able to go outside aS MUCH

The latest was a double whammy. Out of all the political posts I have made, and even lost a few friends over I knew deep down something I would do would really get me into hot water. I commented about the riots and while I didn't use any foul language , I portrayed a whole group of people in a very negative light, or that's how it sounded.   Now I have a guy who I utterly respect trying to smooth things over. This is not the first time my comments caused a stir but this was the first time someone actually whacked me offline.. I would go into details but I decided it is best to put it behind me. All I will say is unlike other incidents, this one was a real wake up call. I forget some times there are people who truly can't leave things on the Internet, they have to take it offline. I need to rethink my online presence

Secondly a close friend has just lost his father and I just made him feel worse. I know he's depressed and he's been going through a lot. He mentioned he was going to take his life, he's done this before and I thought the way to snap him out of it was to  inform him I so worried for his safety I called the police. He was furious and offended when I told him I was bluffing . He said he was just blowing off steam. Normally when I piss him off he just unfriends me and after a few days I go crawling back and eventually he accepts my apology. That's after multiple attempts. This time I wanted to be in control so I suspended my account, I disappeared!

So I decided both incidents was a sign that I needed to go into hiding. Facebook has this cool feature to "suspended" your account where you go invisible to the world without deleting your account. I knew a few people who have done this in the past and suddenly pop back up after weeks, even months without notice.

 The problem is I tried just not going on Facebook for a few days, but then I found I had dozens of notifications waiting for me in various groups and tags. I also know people have deleted their accounts, but there have been multiple warnings of spammers hijacking names! So here I am suspending my activities on the popular social network. I actually find it kind of refreshing, but truthfully I'm goin


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