Irony of current protests

In all honesty I don't usually watch the National Anthem at the beginning of football games so the kneeling controversy didn't bother me, until now.  First of all people need to stop defending the players' actions need to stop saying "It's their right".  I don't know anybody, including President Trump, denying the players have a right to take a knee. This has been established since day one we get it.  After all if part of the protest is about "freedom of speech" then you have to accept the consequences, including a drop in viewership and risking sponsors , after all that's their right to respond to your protest. You wanted to get their attention well you have it now, what are you going to do? What's your next step?

Also nobody is running up to them forcing them to stand. If you saw some of sizes of these guys you wouldn't dare. However it shouldn't automatically be assumed critics of the movement want to take away their rights, this is further from the truth. To accuse this of your critics is highly hypocritical because you should be defending their speech as well. If you stop protesting, they would stop responding. If you actually have something productive to solves a problem we would like to hear it. Actions do speak louder than words, however some action should come under scrutiny. It would be different if these protesters actually had a plan to make things better and used these protests as a way to get people's attention for a solution, not just complain about a problem. I am waiting for the day someone says ok you have  a problem, here might be a way to fix it. Not just say you have a problem, fix it our we protest.

The NFL is losing viewership left and right. I think this is another  reason why the players are behaving this way, they're pissed off at the NFL over something and they want to stick it to them. I think it's pathetic certain players are using legitimate grievances as a political football (I've waited this entire post to slip that in somewhere.). The players also put too much stock in believing their fans will support them so long as they preform on the field. The players are in for a rude awakening. I also have a challenge to the networks. Don't show any player who kneels. They crave public attention, why give it to them? Just ignore that part of the game completely?  Call for an all-out "ban" on the NFL is wrong because not everyone in the NFL is boycotting the National Anthem. I would say boo the players who refuse to stand. Burn their jerseys the way some people burn the American flag. They will definitely have a few supporters, and that's fine. However I feel it's time they know how we're feeling, it shouldn't be a one way street!


Adelaide Dupont said…
Yes, we do judge words harder than we judge actions, Justin.

I too am sceptical of knee-jerking "This is our/my/your right".

And, yes, why do we only put some actions under scrutiny?

This kneeing is not exactly an accessible protest, is it?

It is high impact, that is true.

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