Mixed bag of events

Well here it is October in Cape May  and this month I'm all over the map, literally I e. Let's step back a few days into September, a lot was going on so there wasn't time to write it all on the blog piece by piece but here it is all together, a end of summer, beginning of fall wrap up. It's also a warm up to a winter of writing, including something coming up the beginning of next year which I'll introduce shortly.

First right after Labor Day is the annual firemen's convention in Wi=ldwood ( I was going to say down but Wildwood is north of Cape May). It was a little extra special because Jason, a fellow license pllate collector and fir buff took me to the parade on Saturday. Unfortunately for me the backup camera batteries didn't last but I got some good shots in the mean time and have my spot picked out for next
  My mom had another doctor's appointment  in North Jersey, one of her last for awhile. So my dad offered to bring my scooter so I would have a way to get around. Well dad was rushing to pack the car and the trunk wasn't closed all the way, it opened and the scooter, my laptop and so-me other stuff scattered all over the road, thankfully nothing got ran out. Of course a scene ensued and for a short time I considered walking back to our house\. Of course my mother settled both my father and I down, we conti=nued onto my Aunt Dee's in Park Ridge. It was a great visit, despite the cosmetic damage to the scooter, it is in fine working condition. I did my usual loop from Aunt Dee's over to Fusco's then to my old hood to check on my neighbor and cruise up Carnot AVE.. I even made it down to the firehouse, but nobody was around People have I even made it to a dance recital with my cousin to see her friend perform. It was an expected surprise to see other friends too.

October of course is the annual Hershey trip with Rick. It's a bit more of a struggle because there aren't any close trains near Cape May or even Atlantic City. So my folks drove me up there, they went antiquing while Rick and I went to the flea market.  I  found one gem up there, a three digit 1914 NJ plate. The scooter I took out there started to act funny  which turned out to be a blessing because Rick and I went to the AACA Museum which was something I have wanted to do ever since we started going out there. so I rented one from the park

When we got home from Hershey my Aunt Dee, cousin Jenn and her puppy Zoey came for a visit we went to a craft fair over at the Wheaton Arts Center. We also took Zoey to Higbee Beach to play in the water. It was great having a dog around the house, Dad sttill doesn't want one'!!!! My bedroom is on .the first floor so are canines are gravitated to my bed. Must be the good sniffs. Anyway this weekend is a trip oiut to see my brother and his family, and yes more dogs and a cat too!!


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