It needs to be said

Like clockwork as soon as the news of the Texas killing happened, folks on both sides of the  gun control debate went to their respective battle stations. Both took their predictable tones and finger pointing while America collectively demanded once again our elected officials "do something". I am in that camp too, but I am not hopeful it will be done because nobody actually wants the cycle to break, that's how they'll get reelected, on both sides. Nobody actually wants to fix the problem properly because neither side wants to feel they are taking rights away, gun rights or privacy rights. The clear backpacks the Parkland students oppose would work better than the strongest gun control laws because it would detect guns. It would also stop knives, bombs which the killer in this incident had and tried to detonate and any other devices or tools that could be used as a weapon. That alone would solve the problem better than any other gun laws on the books, but I don't want clear backpacks any more than I want stronger gun control measures.

It goes to say  a small - very small- part of me wanted the pipe bombs to go off, only killing the killer, nobody else. I realize this is wrong  and it's horrible to wish death on anyone, but it would have stopped a tragedy, it would have been worth it. The reality is if the pipe bomb did go off, it would have killed more people, causing more heart ache. It also would have been a powerful lesson to those gun control advocates, that it really isn't the gun at all. If the bombs went off before the shooting it would have shifted the conversation off the gun argument and onto the person who committed the crime. A man determined to kill as many people as possible no matter what the cost. This is where the focus needs to be, not just the guns. We heard the exact same thing after the Las Vegas massacre the killer had all kinds of explosives, not just guns  The sad part is this is the only way to prove that the people promoting safer schools are genuine.  They would have demanded his background be exposed, no more privacy rights for this killer.  The entire dynamic of the investigation would have changed and it would give us more insight into the killer's state of mind.  You hear time after time about the "red flags" well

 We keep asking "How do we stop these shooting?" When we should be asking "How do we stop these killings?" I have detailed my opinions on these issues before, but here it is again. Actually teach these kids the value of life, and the consequences of their actions. This is also where  "don't use y our fists to solve your problems" also comes into play. The bullying in schools has increased because of "forced social acceptance". The fact we need to "include everybody every time" has been programmed into child, they are brainwashed into  thinking any rejection is indeed the end of the world. We're teaching kids to be weaker, not stronger. They think extreme violence is the only way they can show their emotional pain. Ironically the weaker kids are, the more likely they will become violent because it's their only outlet they know. We are creating weaker kids because we're not teach them how to cope with rejection. We teach them always being accepting, but these absolutes come with a very steep price.

I think there's no single answer to these problems. I also think there's more in common to these shootings than the weapon used in the attacks. The real problem is everyone thinks they know the  cause, the puzzle is harder to solve. I believe the answer is out there but it will take many different perspectives to come up with many different solutions. People are right when they say "thoughts and prayers won't solve this problem." but neither will banning all the weapons in the world. The sooner people realize it, the safer our country will be.


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