Still some great people

I admittedly have not been blogging on here as much because like most of the country because the Corona Virus has me in somewhat of a lock down!!  I will not writing endless entries on how I wish this lock down will end, too many people have already opined on how the virus has affect them. . It seems I have  traded entries in the blog for Facebook.  Cape May needed to adjust like every  place else, the did it with some bumps in the road but  is fortunate in the fact they allowed the restaurants and bars to serve take out. When Governor Murphy allowed outdoor dining,  the  Cape May City Council, with the help of  our City Manager, outlined plans for restaurants to expand outdoor seating. They even closed down two  streets in the middle of the Washington Mall to allow additional outdoor seating. Everyone was gettin g used  to the "New normal" However when travelers started coming back into town an d things started bustling. It seems that the "Social Distance" Guidelines have been a but of a challenge sometimes. I have been scolded by people for even going out to the outdoor bars! Almost every one has adjusted. I say almost because  there still a few "knuckleheads" Yes I borrowed Gov. Murphy's term. I wrote the following on Facebook realizing it should have been on here. So I did what I seem to do a lot these days, "Copy and Paste".
Alright this one of those "Cape May Moments" I'll NEVER forget. As you might know the sidewalks have been extended few feet into the street for a few weeks to accommodate the outdoor dining. Cape May put up barriers to extend "temporary sidewalk" on parts of the of Beach Ave I have cruised with caution. TONIGHT while coming home I found four bicycles parked on the road BLOCKING pedestrian traffic. Other people were simply walking around the bikes, but me on my scooter couldn't pass.
The bicycle owners were "eating dinner" and looked annoyed I was cruising in the road and tried to ask them to move their bikes. There was a group behind me, one of them had a US Marine cap on. He saw me stopped and just walked up and started moving the bikes. The group yelled, he just looked at them moved the bikes just enough so I could pass and then we passed.

No altercation, no words thrown at them, he gave them one stare, I think they saw his Marine cap on and they ALL sat down. His group then escorted me through the moved bikes. I looked at him and said these simple words "Once a marine always a marine. Thank you for your service." and drove off. As I was zipping down Beach Ave I could hear one of them yell, "NICE FLAG" (referencing the American flag flying off the back of my scooter. I came home and told my folks, now I am telling you. Folks in these times, we need these stories. There ARE kind people in this world, if you know where to look


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