This is what you get

 This is a painful time in American  history! Peaceful protesters have once again been mixed in with  a few bad apples and the country has been  more divided than ever Condemning the violence isn't; enough to restore our democracy, not this time. We need a true miracle and honestly neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden can fix it alone, they must do it together.  The problem is neither ones supporters trust the opposition so they need to both concede, not the election but the biggest grip either side has with the other,

I'll start by saying I voted for Donald Trump, although I always respected Joe Biden, well until this election cycle I won't outline exact details but I believe he ran a terrible campaign, picked a horrible running mate who deep down not even  Democrats trust, they won't admit it Joe Biden also has a worse track record on foreign policy I have ever seen,.  I feel like President Obama before him Joe Biden will concede too much to foreign powers and dwell America's flaws rather thran our attributes. I feel since Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris as his running mate, he with lose his desire to reach across the aisle. If you look closely at his record, the cornerstone of  Biden's "bipartrisonship" was his ability t 

There's a problem with calling the protests that became violent a reflection on just the result of thee 2020 election. Before I get to that let me run down a few things people forget. People forget Trump supporters are called racist and bigots on a daily basis. People forget from day one the Democrats ONLY goal was to destroy Trump presidency .  They forget the first year of his presidency was spent on investigating the false claim Trump colluded with Russia to "steal" the 2016 election People forget Trump's political opponents accused Trump of treason, illegally spied on him and threw his closest friends in jal because they refused to  lie in order to bring the man down.  The Democrats  accused Trump of shaking down the Ukrainian president, and when the Ukrainian president absolutely denied the claim, they said that was their proof. President Trump was never given a cha nce because every single move he made was take apart piece by piece 

The violence in the Capitol is totally unacceptable! I have visited the building a handful of times and each time I had to remind myself I was walking the same halls as many people with different backgrounds, political views, family life, diversify ,is what shapes the American dream The Capitol holds some of the greatest moments ino United States history, from passing landmark laws to historic speeches, to saying our final goodbyes to people like John Lewis and John McCain.  I  testified  in front of Congress a few times and visited Senate office buildings regarding disability rights almost twenty years ago, I walked the halls always thinking this where democracy was born. This is where the biggest moments in US History took place. I am very sad and disappointed, but not surprised this building was damaged. Buildings can be replaced, our democracy is fragile.


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