2022 New Years Note


Well it's that time of year again! We all think about new years resolutions we broke the last 12 months trying to get through this new world we have come to know. While it has been rough I have managed to find good news still outweighs the bad even though at times it doesn't seem that way.  I will try to make this short

Let's start with my brother Chris, his wife Natalie, my nephew Zander and niece Quinn.  Well the good thing about working for Progressive Auto Insurance is Chris is always on the road so he never missed any work during this whole ordeal. He has worked out of his for years and nothing has changed. Natalie has been able to work remotely although she has been going into the office more. Both Zander and Quinn played soccer this year, I went to one game each. We went up there Christmas Day and stayed overnight. They are both getting so big. I keep warning Chris growing up with all boys is different than having ka son and a daughter.. I laugh he has more grey hair than I do. I never thought I'd see the day where I enjoy people think he was older than me

My brother Peter and his wife Sue are still in Pennsylvania with their dog Buster. The enjo y camping with friends and  doing stuff with their neighbors. Sue turned 40 in June and we had a small party here with her family. Her parents live in West Cape May so it's easy for us to get together. Buster is so sweet, I call him my "furry nephew". He LOVES Cape May and enjoys that my mom will walk him all the time. Whenever we can't find him all we need to do is check my bed. Actually both dogs enjoy my bed!!! The joys of being an uncle

Mom and Dad have been doing well overall. Even with the pandemic they still got together with their friends a few times. They walk everyday the weather is good, although my father insists he would take a foot of snow over all this wind any day, I don't believe it! They got away for a few days alone while I was at one of my license plate convention in Kentucky, more about that in a second. They wish the could spend time in Florida this winter, but it seems the houses are all taken

It's my turn I entered 2021 with good friends, and like everything else, been making adjustments all year. Although the summer was quite busy! I managed to  make it to the annual license plate convention down in  Kentucky, right across the river from Cincinnati. A fellow collector is a real travel buff and we saw all the main sites on either side of the river. As a matter of fact I rode my scooter from the hotel to a Cincinnati Reds game.  

If you follow me on Facebook, you have seen I have written some more poetry. I always wrote one or two a year but with stuff being closed down, especially this winter I decided to dive back into poetry. There's a group on Facebook called Cape May Live all about Cape May. People post some really neat pictures and I just write whenever. I am also still contributing for 1st Responder News whenever something big happens.

Well this email is long enough! I wish you and yours a happy new year! May 2022 be a whole lot better than 2021!~~


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