Join or don't join

 I never really understood why people would say the never will join ALPCA. I' not saying ALPCA members are better butr realize belonging to a club does have ups AND downs. I joined ALPCA in 1994 and nave a very modest collection I also have travelled around the country and made friends. ALPCA has also has a entire different side to it. I have made friends that go beyond license plates. My membership has given me the opportunity to expand my writing portfolio, no only with article in the magazine, but other publications.

Folks who have met me in person know I have a disability. I have struggled to travel to meets, even my own, but with the help of fellow members, I have attended 14 conventions, been to dozens of meets and even help co-found the ALPCA Garden State Region. I also have written a handful of articles Not bad for someone who doesn't drive, can't use pen and has a hard time speaking. I am not here to sway people into joining. ALPCA is NOT for everyone. However I am here to say ALPCA, and its members, have real meaning in my life..

Next month I will celebrate my 39th year as a member. At time I have had issues with the club. At times members have had issues with me. However I can tell you one thing, my life has definitely been for\ the better surrounding myself around such a n amazing group of people.
Justin Mattes, 6748 since 1994


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