The Parrothead flew the coop

Like millions around the world I'm mourning the passing of legendary singer Jimmy Buffet. Facebook is obviously filled with tributes to the Mayor of Margaritaville, some pretty funny memories out there. One stuck out particularly, Zak Brown called Jimmy Buffet an "American Poet", which  seems fitting. Buffet lived in Key West where another writer, Ernest Hemingway called home and did most of his writing. I think Jimmy toured the Hemingway house a few times  for inspiration and even wondered how he wrote. It makes me wonder about the conversations between Hemingway and Buffet are having right now. I can see Hemming smoking a pipe while Buffet toking on the finest marijuana ever created. They are talking about writing, their adventures on the sea and how they lives impacted their craft. Man would I love to be a fly on that wall. I wonder if their ghosts are going to wander the streets of Key West Florida together?? You never know what will happen.

While Buffet was a beloved musician he was an experienced aviator! He was such an avid flier Palm Beach Airport named a waypoint after him.  This blog is filled with entries describing my monitoring, especially the planes. Palm Beach Airport down in Florida renamed the waypoint "BUFFIT" after the flying musician, what a fitting honor. I have been monitoring the Miami Center and Palm Beach frequencies via as I am composing this entry without much luck. the communications haven't mentioned the waypoint yet but it;'s a bit neat to know Jimmy Buffet often talked on these frequencies. I have often wondered if I would recognize his voice if I heard it on the radio. Not really because the transmissions are so  quick!! I am hoping to catch a few references to BUFFIT when I'm in the area in March !~


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