
Showing posts from January, 2024

One Year Later

We lost you a year ago but I think about you everyday. Thought about writing a l;ong post but really am too sad to even write now. A lot has happened in a year! Trying to focus more on the good than the bad. Hope I'm not disappointing you too much I know you're watching out for everyone! I miss y ou so much

"Crashing" a Cape May Wedding

Like a few times before I  wrote a status update on Facebook that I thought was worthy of a cross-post on the blog. The post originally went up on the  Cape May Live Facebook page, ok I posted it. Unfortunately it was one of the few times I left  the phone home. Although on second thought other people outside the wedding were snapping pics and they looked so out of place. I I was doing my usual patrol around Cape May and came across an outdoor wedding ceremony about to start at the Inn of Cape May. I saw the groom waiting with his groomsmen and the music started. Something told me to stop! So I pulled up on the sidewalk trying not to spy too much, but other people were stopping, so I figured it was ok. Sure enough a few seconds later I_ heard the wedding march start and saw the beaming bride walking down the aisle besides her proud dad, surrounded by a close group of loved ones. I watched as the bride and groom exchanged the most poignant vows I have ever heard. Here I ...

Internet marketing

I am writing this for all the emails I get wanting me to use their services. This is a blanket disclaimer I will send out anytime I get offers for SEO or any other marketing offers./ This is also a test to see if they really want to help or just looking for money\ I especially am bargeting those companies who write me every few days saying, "We haven't heard back from you".   Thank you for your email... I registered "" because I had lost another domain years earlier and I thought it would be  a great idea to have a customized email address. The original address did point to this blog for the longest time. T hen I decided to build a website to  display my writing and my license plate collection. I also hosted a few other projects off the website and occasionally used it as an "online storage". My writing especially because I intended to try to sell some of my poetry as well as list some of my articles published online and PDF copies of m...

Rembering Derick Kessel

Well like other stuff off my now defunct website, I decided to move my memorial tribute to Derick  Kessel to the blog. Every year I try to do something different, make sure the link to Bob Seger's "Still the Same" is updadted. There's not much more to say after seventeen years. I miss you Derick and feel I'm keeping my promise of never forgetting you. January 7, 2007 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kessel, You might not recognize the return address on the outside of the envelope, but I knew Derick from Pascack Valley High School. While we weren't the closest of friends, the times we spent together are very special to me. It has been said people come in and out of our lives for a reason. I never quite could put my finger on how he came into my life unexpectedly, but I'm forever grateful he did. Derick was talking to Brian Ghem and some friends when I happened to just walk by and out of the corner of his mouth Derick mentioned something about my wheels , re...