To end the theories

        The drones flying over Northern NJ reminds everyone about the Chinese spy balloons that flew over the country during the Trump and Biden administrations. Americans already had enough of the Chinese government after the entire Corona virus debacle. We're still waiting for the WHO to stop covering for China and admit the virus started in a C hinese lab. Then the spy ballons started. It was later revealed the Chinese were flying spy ballons sooner than the government admitted. Of course the Democrats were quick to point out that the spy ballons started under President Trump. Given the relationship between the federal government and the former president I wouldn't be surprised if President Trump wasn't given the complete picture on purpose. The conspiracy theories spread and soon after came the finger pointing. Everybody under the sun promised investigations into the ballons, but like most government investigations it disappeared from the news cycle  never to be talked about again..........until a few days ago when drones were spotted over Picatinny Arsenal. Cue the conspiracy theories!

         I never thought I would say this about Governor Murphy, but I feel sorry for him.  Unlike other things I take him at his word that  he himself is fustrated there aren't an real answers. It bothers me a little he didn't have someone familiar with drone technology with him to explain what was going on. He made a statement then went into a briefing with federal, state and local officials. Now if Murphy finds out it was our own government behind  this activity he should say well you either tell the entire story or I will. He could land in hot water if he reveal s too much information\. It's going to be really interesting how he's plays this over the next few days  and weeks.  I am sure he's pretty annoyed at the federal government for hanging him out to dry.

        There are theories floating around this was our own government testing new capabilities. Which is where I'm leaning myself. I'm all for national security and national secrets. That being said, there is restricted air space in the US where these drones, or whatever, could be tested without being detected by citizens who are definitely going to ask questions. The other side of that is the government wanted to see how people reacted  If the government tried to keep this under wraps they failed.  Everybody has a cellphone with a camera recording everything. If it was our government I'm disap;pointed they didn't have the foresight t o realize flying  big drones over occupied areas wouldn't cause a stir! It would be more unusual if people ignored it completely. 

        Even more frightening is the drones are the size of small cars. I  don't want them, to suddenly start dropping from the sky, so the thought of  "shooting them down" over a densely populated area isn't happening. I would much rather see someone, anyone, try to get a tracker on the drones and see where they go.

        I said cue the conspiracy theories and here's mine, the government is behind it and the experiment is basically two fold. Part one is they're testing  the drone capabilities like how high they can fly.  The distance capabilities record, traking, the ability to fly at night and all kinds of other features that are classified. The second part, and more concerning depending on how you view government, is they are seeing how people react to seeing the drones.  The problem is now this is worldwide news. So again if it is the government I think all this hype might have been part of their plan. Although I highly doubt we'll get ther answers we're looking for any time soon!!!!


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