A grown-up Birthday party

OK so birthdays have always been a bit bitter sweet for the old Jayman, bu t there have been some highlights. I'll start with this one because it was a "guy birthday", meaning all my guys friends took me out to Hooters over there in Paramus for beers and wings. I picked it for the girls but my birthdays have been known to have a hint of nostalgia behind them. My grandfather built the Howard Johnson's resturant that now houses Hooters, s ee I'm n ot quite turning into a "dirty old man". I wish I had in in the original resturant, bu t this was better"!' I was surrounded by three friends, my brother, his friends and plenty of "eye-candy". My dinner was a "JMclassic", it only consisted of buffalo wings and ice cold beer. For those out there wh o know me, yo-u know how much I love my buffalo wings! I am not a big beer fan, give me my "Jack
Daniels" any day. However with a batch of spicy hot chicken wings, give me a BUD an yday!! So there I was just sitting there enjoying the company and thinking about Grandpa smiling down from above. I didn't get so drunk where I stumbled and fell,'but just drunk enough to ease the pain in these twenty-eight year old bones at least for a little while. The best part was I as with true friends and one borther, I wish it was two, but hey you k can't haved it all The birthday ranked just below the one a few years in Florida! To top it off " Sweet Home Alabama" came on the jukebox, I sweaer it wasa sign from above. My dinner was a "JMclassic", it only consisted of buffalo wings and ice cold beer. For those out there who know me, yo-u know how much I love my buffalo wings! I am not a big beer fan, give me my "Jack
Daniels" any day. However with a batch of spicy hot chicken wings, give me a BUD an yday!! So there I was just sitting there enjoying the company and thinking about Grandpa smiling down from above. I didn't get so drunk where I stumbled and fell,'but just drunk enough to ease the pain in these twenty-eight year old bones at least for a little while.
The birthday ranked just below the one a few years in Florida! To top it off " Sweet Home Alabama" came on the jukebox, I swear it was sign from above. EveryEverytime I heard that song I think about family and good friends. I was in the company of who I would consider extended family. Sean being the older brother I never had, Jeff and Brian being the younger brothers that sometimes drive me nuts but would take a bullet for me. Of course my brother Pete who despit all his bitching and moaning manages to show me a g ood time whenever he can.You can say it was a birthday not only to rememberm but worth writing abour. birthdays have always been a bit bitter sweet for the old Jayman, bu t there have been some highlights. I'll start with this one because it was a "guy birthday", meaning all my guys friends took me out to Hooters over there in Paramus for beers and wings. I picked it for the girls but my birthdays have been known to have a hint of nostalgia behind them. My grandfather built the Howard Johnson's resturant that now houses Hooteres, s ee I'm n ot quite turning into a "dirty old man". I wish I had in in the original resturant, bu t this was better"!' I was surrounded by three friends, my brother, his friend and plenty of "eye-candy" to dream about. I come home ands climb the stairs to my room and a king size Hershey bar from mom and dad is sitting on my desk waiting for me. So it's a bit corny to write about my birthday; but you want to know something, I'm getting too old to really care!!


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