Made it in one piece

Well hello from beautiful Dover Tennessee! Yes indeed ladies and gentlmen I am officially here at Jane's house typing this entry on her computer. The table's a bit shaky so I won't write a lot but I figured I pop on here in case anyone is wondering how I did on the plane. It was great although I didn't get to use the free drink coupon Jeff gave me, they don't serve alcohol at 10 am. Although I certainly made up for it later last night!! J(ust kidding. Anyway
Well I accomplished one of my major goals I set out went I decided to go on this trip. Jane took me to a bluegrass competition yesterday and I got to hear parts of "Dueling Banjos" LIVE! Alright it was almost certain I would hear the fimilar Southern tune sometime during the week, but I never imagined it would be on the first day here!


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