Enjoying the Arts

When you don't do something often enough, you sometimes forget how enjoyable it can be. Last night I attended Les Miserables-- A Concert Review put on by the New Jersey Choral Society, which was basically the play with just the music. As seasoned I thought I was about Broadway plays, nothing could prepare me for such a wonderful evening out. My neighbor and I sat in the autoriuml of Bergenfield High School along with abou t 100 observers as the choir belted out songs from the 100 year old play. Since it wasn't a full musical som e of the characters gave background information about the play and the French Revolution in general. Live music helped a lot, it always does in these kinds of plays, I have been to a few was they played prerecorded music and it wasn't the same. One of the neat touches was the choir dressed as well as the preformers on stage.
For more information you can visit their website at http://www.njcs.org


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