Field Day Fingering 2007--N2SE Back on the Air Part II

Seriously I know I should have written this before the Huntsville entry because this was the weekend before Huntsville, but I needed to think about compose my thoughts. Since Isaac went back to Germany, Howie picked me up this year to make the trek up to Capmgaw Ski Lodge in Mahwah. I spent the night before packing up my radios and trying to figure out if I forgot anything.
Howie pulled in the drive at 9:30 am Saturday morning to find me still half asleep and woofing down some crumb cake. He actually left with out me, but a quick call on the W2PQG repeater brought him back. I threw my stuff in the back of his car and we were on the mountain a little after 10. Rocky greeted us with a laptop, note to self next year bring the USB driver.
This year I truly flew solo and got my prime spot in the lodge right behind the registration desk, which housed the ATV station last year. I also brought my old 2m/440 radio, so I ran the Field Day talk-in station as well. People usually have their same spots every year. I was outside two years ago when the weather was nice, but since I was staying overnight and didn't have a tent, staying in the lodge was the obvious choice. There was also a prime spot for the air mattress my mom had bought the Friday night before, so I was set. It was even somewhat dark back there so I did get some sleep! Although I saw more than a few people eyeing the bed, I kept worrying I would either wake-up somewhere in the woods or have an uninvited bedfellow snuggle up besides me also known as Rocky!!
The most frustration part of doing PSK is people use too much power aand I'm restricted to 15 watts. I was getting blown away by the PSK station in Ramsey, they were running at least 25 watts. However I did manage to work Oklahoma on a brief opening so that was very cool. I saw stations as far west as Washington State, but they faded into the RF abyss before I could even try to bag them.
Since this was the first time I had a camera with me, so I took some pictures while the bands were dead, which unfortunately was the majority of the time. I got some nice shots and managed to remember taken out of my own setup.
The weekend was a success and even though it rained at night, there wasn't any thunder or lightning. My setup once again was the little station that could, although it would have been better if the bands opened up a bit.
I have already marked out my territory in the lodge for next year. While this year was a real milestone in my book, there are still things I can improve. Hopefully the station in Ramsey will knock down their power a little.
Note above is a picture of Richard,KC2PYB and I at the keyboard


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