Forget Joe "the plumber"'s Justin "the writer"

Alright I had to jump on the bandwagon basically because I am ticked that some "plumber" , who it has proven to be not even registered to vote, is get all this attention over taxes, while the health care issue takes second fiddle. Now OK both Obama and McCain have talked about other issues plenty, but they haven't found one "every day American" to represent all the people concerned about health care, energy,education the environment or any other issue. The candidates talk about everyday Americans and they throw out names and cities like people actually know who they are talking about. Each candidate tries very hard to humanize this race and they both are doing the best the can, but it's not good enough. Of course they can't talk to every single American, bust from what I'm seeing there's not enough of a cross section. The media loves sound bites, no matter whether on TV, radio, newspapers or th Internet (God help you if you ONLY get your news on the Internet, whether it be the DailyKos or ( for the record I visit neither), Joe gave them just that very thing. He's s famous over night, even I'm writing about him. However if you read the other entries in this blog regarding current events you'll find I rarely praise anyone in the mainstream news (the two glaring examples are Peter Jennings and Rosa Parks. Ok there are a few more examples.
My first reaction was please you can't find one average American that isn't so "average"? Now you do a Google on this guy he's everywhere, all the news shows, newspapers, BLOGS. He's not the best man to represent me. Like I said there are some reports this guy do-doesn't have the intention of voting for the record this will be my FOURTH presidential election. I STILL HAVE no idea who is getting my vote
Ok I admit I had my fifteen minutes back when I was fighting the medical malpractice caps (ironically both Obama and McCain have similar stances on this particular issue), however the difference is I gave a voice to kids who, because of someone else's mistake, couldn't speak for themselves. I was all over the papers and TV. You know what happen=ed?? Those supporting med mal caps called me the "trial lawyers puppet" when all I did was defend the rights of kids. I wish someone out there in the political arena would hear my story! It isn't going to happen.
There are other issues I would have loved to discuss with the candidates, including the state of special education today, something only touched upon briefly during the debates and was a footnote out on the campaign trail! Candidates say family is off-limits, I couldn't agree more. However it piqued my interest to find out Sarah Palin has a young son with Downs Syndrome (correction thanks to mom). She said she and John McCain will stand up for the rights of people with disabilities. I wish I could have asked her a follow up question........ you know since I have a disability! I am ALWAYS RESPECTFUL to women!
Some people might applaud this post others might say have made a drastic turn to the left, I can assure you my INDEPENDENT beliefs are firmly intact. I still am for CLOSED BORDERS.' I still think English should be the official language of this country. I would never tell a woman what to do with her body. My definition of gun control IS using both hands! A good education is a RIGHT not privilege! Most importantly I still think flag burning is the least effective way to show you're dissatisfied with the government!You can choice the best positions from both sides and I will pretty much agree. No this ISN'T flip-flopping, it's called COMMON SENSE!!


Anonymous said…
Interesting article Jay. If you don't know who to vote for you could always just vote for Joe the Plumber!!

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