1st Garden State License Plate Meet

I posted this to the ALPCA and Yahoo lists about the license plate meet that occured this past Saturday the above photos were taken by Jim Moini and Justin Mattes

Ok usually I'd come up with something very clever to say about this meet but all I can manage at this time is WOW! This day made all the hard work worth it. I swear Marco and I kept reminding ourselves this was our FIRST meet, I lost count 60 names in the log!! Despite the heavy rain at times, collectors came as far as Michigan and even Quebec to see what has been talked up for months. Advertising DOES WORK! I was VERY HAPPY to see Dave Kuhen on the slow but steady road to recovery. I want to say a th ank you to our auctioneer Ron Ridolph who did an excellent job, I promise I'll have a microphone next year!! Chuck Sakryd served as backup auctioneer and head sorter. Kurt Stentiford did an outstanding job as a solicitor for last minute donations while his dad Tim, editor of PLATES, did a tremendous job documenting the entire event on camera. John Northup did a great job showing off the upcoming improvements to the ALPCA archives!! Jim Moini not only got there early to help setup, he came to the rescue to drive me home to pickup forms I forgot, what else did you expect!! A hardy round of applause has to go to Marco's girlfriend Christy for book keeping (so glad we finally got to meet), my mom Mary for doing the last minute running around and last but certainly not least my brother Peter who- got the thankless job of helping clean up and driving me home!!
I do ask one last favor to the attendees, yes I am v ery demanding, the next time you see a Board member please thank them again for approving our region. It's a very simple thing but it means a lot to the Board to know they made the right decision!

Thank you to all who attended and thank you to all who donated plates.
See you next year

Justin Mattes ALPCA#6748


Cake said…
Hey,it's Kurt Stentiford,Justin's a real good guy.I even bet he's the best ham radio operater and great ALPCA member too.

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