31 Statements about Justin Mattes

Jeff had a version of this posted on his face book page and I thought I would publi0sh here too. Let's face it it is indeed of of my better writngs. Even though I don't turn 31 for a few weeks, I
1. I am proud to say I am the only one in my immediately family who was born in Bergen County (Valley Hospital in Ridgewood.) This really means I am a Bergen County Guy. Although when I was born I was transferred to Columbia Presbyteran a day later. Mom was so sick she stayed in Ridgewood and didn't see me for 5 days. First thing she asked my dad was "is it a boy or girl?"! I prefer C.P. to Cerebral Palsy

2. My Birthday is 3/15/78 I share my birthday with Andrew Jackson, probablly why I always use $20 bills whenever possible. Other notable events on 3/15 were the assination of Julies Caesar. Bit of irony because if the doctor had done a C-Section instead of natural child birth I wouldn't have CP. Thee state of Maine was admitted into the union on 3/15 , Maine was the first "road trip" I was Maine when I was a few months old

3. I have a lot in common with my cousin Jennifer than anyone else in my family. Both our names start with "J", we're the oldest of three siblings of the same sex. We both were baptized at our grandparents house, with our great Aunt Millie attending. Our moms are each others godmothers. We are considered to give everyone in our families the most stress.

4. The first time I stood up unassisted was in the garden with my dad, it was went I was in preschool. We started a pumpkin plant in a paper cup in school and I brought it home and planted it in the back. I stood up behinds the pumpkin and my dad took a picture. My mom didn't believe him so he devloped the picture the next day to prove it

5. Even though my brother Chris is 13 MONTHS YOUNGER he has done EVERYTHING FIRST. Drive,date, marry. Even though this has bothered me growing up, and sometimes still does, I know there will be advantages later in life!

6. I only have one friend, Darren, who's EXACTLY MY age. He also has CP and we met at therapy when we were ess than a year old.

7. I actually hold the distinct title of "most Honorary Memberships" in Bergen County, in four different towns. Park Ridge, Ramsey, Teaneck and Woodcliff Lake (not really but you know I had to slip it in there!)

8. My grandfather, Charles Princiotto is the man I admire most. He is also the man I have written about the most. He inspired one of my license plate "runs".

9. My first and only kiss on the lips WASN'T with a girl who I was in love with.

10. I've have all major events in my life happened when I was an even number age.

11. For the record I have NEVER "acted retarded", I have sometimes, ok more than I will admit, acted "Emotionally disturbed", =but ALWAYS WITH GOOD REASON!

12. I have WRITTEN about commiting suicide five times. Four of those times are a direct result of events happening in middle school, once when I was recovering from hip surgery and had to relearn how to walk.

13. My most exotic travels occured on my own or wit h people I didn't know real well.

14. I am probablly one of the youngest people to testify in front of the US Congress. My statements can be found in the Library of Congress.

15. My worst dream was when my mom turned into the Wicked Witch of the East. Nothing implied there!

16. I am known for my love of Jack Daniels. My very first Jack and Coke was with my brother Chris in Atlantic City.

17. Speaking of AC it holds memories not to be written here. My close friends know what I mean!

18. I shared two classess with Jeff and Lauren.Jeff I see the most, Lauren the least.

19. My Uncle Matt is only 9 years older than I am. Therefor I have a hard time calling him "Uncle".

20. In anthoner life I was definitely a lawyer. My Uncle Sal is a lawyer and my godfather.

21. It tok me 7 hours to complete an exam once. I write most of my poetry under 7 minutes, including Grandpa's poem.

22. I cried when I finished "Of Mice and Men".........only book that made me cry.

23. Sean is my best friend, because he has trusted me the most.

24. My family never felt sorry for me, however I can ALWAYS count on them when I truly needed.

25. Writing is my greatest gift. At times I have abused it. At times I have hurt people with it. However I will ALWAYS respected it.

26. I have more of my borther, Peter's friends on Facebook . They are ALL my "younger brothers" they look out for me. In turn I share my gems of wisdom with them.

27. This may sound a bit obvious but my mom is my hero. Everything I ever accomplished or ever will accomplish is because she always believed in me.

28. I want to visit every state in the country before I die.

29. The only people I would ever wish harm on are the ones who make fun of me.

30. ALL MY HOBBIES: Antique Cars. License Plates, Police Scanners, Ham Radio, Photography and Lighthouses are ALL connected...let's leave it at that!

31. I would have written this one my 31st brithday BUT Jeff Krentzman inspired me so much I decided to write it now.


Anonymous said…
Hey Justin,

31 Statements for 31 years on this happy little planet is pretty clever.
But you say the good stuff only happens in the even years. Well let's hope for statement 32, you will say, "I enjoy what I am doing, I have several good friends, and I am not bashful about getting involved in a lot of beneficial activities."

Mike Adams
Unknown said…
... #9...

I'm so sorry the way things turned out. You are a great guy, and there are always things that we wish we could go back and change. Things happen for a reason though, and we can't change the past. I'm so glad to know you.
Regardin #9 Cathy honestly I AM not saying I regretted it. I'm saying I regret how I handled, it was nothing you did wrong. It wasn't a mistake, because a mistakle is something that you wish never happened. Like everything else in my life it got thrown into some really good feelings and some really bad feelings.

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