Kicks on Route 66-ham radio style

Alright I have been a little behind on posting to this blog but I thought I would do a little backtracking. Every September a few hams setup stations along old Route 66. Now given my love for license plates and cars this obgviously is right up my alley. This past Sempteber was the first time I was able to participate with my new setup! The stations use special 1X1 callsign ranging from W6A to W6S are scattered along the old Route 66. So I looked the information up and learned that the Missouri Texas and New Mexico stations setup PSK, so of course I attempted to pick them off. Well easier said then done. I had to go on 40 meters in the middle of the night to see if I could get them. All of the contacts happened around 2:00 in the morning so I couldn't actually run downstairs and tell my folks...So I had to wait until the next day.
I sent the QSL cards out one by one, complete with SASE and patiently waited for the return cards. I also needed New Mexico on 40 Meters so it was a double treat, a special event and a new state
After doing some investigating I found the group sponsoring this event every year awards a certificate if you send away for it. So I filled out the application along with $5 CASH (figured nobody would think that cash is sent by mail any more) and off I sent it to California. Then the waiting game came because it wasn't until after New Years did I get the certificate, I call it a late Christmas gift.
Now the question remains, will I do it again? ABSOLUTELY I am hoping a few more PSK stations come on the air, like Illinois which is a fairly easy hit from my QTH in Bergen County.


Anonymous said…
Thats cool. Kinda inspires me to finally get my hamshack up and tweak up my antennas so maybe someone would hear me on 40m!!

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